If so, please write to foxnews

Yes, We am actually writing an e-mail to him and the studio justow. We got the info from perezhilton.com, for those of you who want to complain, write, here are the email addresses: Feel free to e-mail john.gibson an@foxnews.com and let him know directly your Opinion You can also e-mail and his show myword@foxnews.com theetwork to yourcomments@foxnews.com. And if you want to Foxews by e-mail to the CEO, is his roger.ailes info @ foxnews.com. We think that Gibson's comments were totally tasteless and uncalled for and he should be fired for, Ledger was a talented young actor, and it is much too early to know what exactly happened on the day of his death. Heath Ledger was a little girl, Daddy and he should be respected, ifot for them alone.
John Gibson of Foxews Made fun of Heath Ledger
John Gibson of Foxews made fun of Heath Ledger's death. Do you think he will be away from TV and radio do