In the meantime, Star laid an egg. She had just laid right before the photograph and had been resting with her eyes closed. Laying an egg being very hard work. When I got near her with the camera she opened her eyes and if you know bird
Asparagus, Poached Egg and Pine Nut Salad Recipe, a classic dish from Britain.
the egg and i 114 Faubourg Restaurant Paris Hotel Le Bristol — Swell City Guide
The choo in Mitumba is actually way nicer than the Y's. Every morning we get 3 pieces of bread not toast!, a fried egg, and a sausage link with either coffee or tea. The sausage is goodit's goat sausage.
Had leftovers for dinner, and had made a nice tuna salad for lunch, all trimmed up with hard boiled egg and artichoke hearts and pickled green beans and black olives. It was yummyand healthy too. Supper was a refreshed spaghetti
the egg and i Off we go again – but with heels on « Wartime Housewife