We wanted to take a few minutes and write to you about something that is vitally important in building websites with Google Adsense for fun and profit. I’m sure that you’ve heard this before, for more help visit towww.googleatmcash. but I’m going to beat a dead horse rightow, because it’s really, REALLY important to understand, andewbies and even experienced people STILL don’t get it (or maybe want to get it).Let me shout this from the rooftops, so all will hear itWithout good content, your venture into Google Adsense, and getting any kind of profits from Adsense is going to be tough, tough tough.In fact, I’d say that it was almost impossible to generate any long term profits without good, solid content of some kind on your website.Content is something that you simply can’t ignore, and it's a crime above crime if you do. Search engines love content and depend on it to kick back quality content results to its end users, people like you and me, or that guy who's looking for what you've got to give him, whether it's actual products, a service or just a Google Adsense ad. Without good content for search engines to use and direct people to you, your website willever be found by anyone. In short, without content, your isolation from your end user is practically guaranteed.In case you haven't gotten it about the importance of content, let me one more thing. The big search engines, in many cases, even check your page for content and relevancy when you buy pay-per-click traffic. for more help visit to:www.yourgoogleincome.And without relevant content, they won't accept your ad.So guess what Youeed to be relevant, and youeed some content to be relevant with.Then there the problem with Google Adsense dropping advertisements into your site that haveothing to do with your site. I'll talk about PSAs (Public Service Ads), and how to avoid theseo-paying ads in another message soon.Readers love content, and will go out of their way to find good things to read in the subjects they care about. And if you provide them good content, they'll come looking again for you. Without good content that people will come back to again and again, you’ll be a one shot website, and people won’t come back. I’ve seen different webmasters and builders use specialized programs for page building. These programs build what is commonly called “scraper sites”. These sites take info from other web pages, and assimilate keyword-rich pages that supposedly will rank high on search engines. Granted these pages are totalonsense, and while they generate huge traffic from their high rankings, they usually don’t stay around long.This scraper strategy may work for a while, but eventually search engines like Google will find out, and penalize your site.Many sites are using programs that generate content. But people know what those sites are about the minute your page opens up on their browser. And once again, the search engines may very well pick

We Wanted to Take a Few Minutes and Write to You About Something That is Vitally Important in Building Websites With Google Adsense for Fun and Profit

We Wanted to Take a Few Minutes and Write to You About Something That is Vitally Important in Building Websites With Google Adsense for Fun and Profit