Upon his return, Theew Yorker published his short story "A Perfect Day for Bananafish" in 1948. Hisovel "The Catcher In The Rye" was published in 1951 and featured the iconic protagonist Holden Caulfield, who is largely attributed
Julien is sick with a stomach bug, fever and chills. He's currently wrapped up in our thickest comforter and moaning the loss of his long-awaited weekend. Lila is teething. At least, we suspect she is teething (We want to look at her
a perfect day for bananafish Trudeau on Shreveport, a Blue Hole of the arts and crafts: The
Goodbye Holden -- and Franny and Zooey. Even though We rarely think of J.D. Salinger, just the other day We mentioned him -- and his most famous character, Holden Caufield -- in a paper We wrote for a class I'm taking on adolescent
It's thought they all feature the Glass family, about whom Salinger first wrote in Franny and Zooey. It was thought that at Salinger's death, they could be published posthumously, or destroyed. Some critics feel Salinger's attitude was
franny and zooey Franny and Zooey

raise high the roof beam carpenters The Butterfly Effect: J.D. Salinger - a few of our favorites